

Telecanal 2005


Its first logo was a series of spheres of blue, purple, red, orange and lemon green that formed a curve. Also, next to the letters tc were lowercase and light green. Below these, was the legend TeleCanal, also in italics, in another typography and of black color.

In 2007, the spheres are changed by circles, but one of them changes the orange by the lemon-green color (the same color as the letters). The letters tc remain lowercase, but occupy another typeface. The telecanal legend is the same color as the letters above with Trebuchet MS typography.


The current logo consists of the letters T and C green, the T appears cut by simulating a leaf, the other half remaining as an arch is positioned above the C. Below is included the text "telecanal" with BauhausThin typography with the motto "tele" orange color and the motto "canal" light green color.
