2003–2007 2007–2011 2011–2018 2018–present
2003–2007 2007–2011 2011–2018 2018–present

TV4 Plus[]


TV4 Plus logo 2003

The logo for TV4 Plus was revealed in January 2003. It was a cube with two visible sides, one containing a "4" and one containing a plus sign. When on screen, it would often spin or "roll" like a dice. The graphics for the launch of TV4 Plus were created by the British design agency Kemistry.

"The cubic form shall mark a difference to TV4 but also convey a feeling of play and games which will be a part of the content in TV4 plus" - TV4 press release[1]

A new set of idents replaced the original ones in 2005.


TV4 Plus logo 2007

TV4 Plus was completely overhauled with a new graphics package which launched on February 5, 2007.

The new logo was designed by the Swedish design bureau Ohlsonsmith.[1] It features the logo used by TV4, but in blue colour and with a plus sign added to the right. The new graphics were created in-house, with concultancy from Martin Poole. The idents feature regular people while doing their hobbies.[2]



Sjuan logo
Logopedia InfoWhite SVG NEEDED


Sjuan 2018
  1. Den kubiska formen ska dels markera skillnaden till TV4 men också förmedla en känsla av lek och spel vilket blir en del av innehållet i TV4 plus.